Finding a part-time job
If you’re struggling a little bit financially, getting a part time job can really make a massive difference.
When to look:
Before summer and Christmas are great times to find seasonal work that you can earn some money but not necessarily have to commit to working weekly. These may lead to longer-term job opportunities so if you can prove yourself to be a good worker, you might be in with a chance of staying there longer!
Throughout the rest of the year, it’s worth noting that there may be lulls in advertising so don’t give up immediately if you can’t find anything. Just keep checking when you have a chance and make sure to ask around as well! Often, you can find out who is hiring by word of mouth, and this can be a faster route to finding somewhere.
That being said, if you don’t know many people-don’t panic! There are plenty of other opportunities to look out for.
Where to look:
Specific to St. Andrews, keep an eye out on for any golf-tournament related work over the summer as although these are often only for a few days or weeks, these often pay well. Try looking on social media for these advertisements.
Another opportunity if you’re staying in town over the summer is working at the graduation ceremonies. Keep an eye on In the loop and other university platforms for this.
Check the career’s centre page for any postings about local jobs.
Shop windows often advertise if they’re looking for staff. So do community noticeboards such as the one in old union café.
The university itself hires staff for a vast variety of roles including tutoring, interns, assisting in the library stacking shelves or working as catering support to name a few!
Making sure your CV is up to date and reflects you as best it can, is key during the hiring process. If you’re struggling with what to include, the careers centre often holds talks, or you can book 1-to-1 sessions with an advisor who can discuss and help you further. You shouldn’t send out the same CV for every job. A brilliant application will be one which is slightly different to suit each role.
If it’s just work experience you’re after, consider volunteering within charities, societies and within the university itself.
Make sure your time management skills can accommodate work alongside your studies. Having some extra money definitely helps but it’s no good if you’re working too many hours that your studies are suffering so make sure to balance your time well. The uni recommends you don’t work more than 15 hours a week.
Aside from the cash, having a job builds on your teamwork, communication and perseverance skills which is helpful for after you graduate. Depending on the role, it can be a great place to connect with new people and the community.